Demography Department Faculty

Will Dow

Will Dow

Health economics, economic demography, population health, healthy aging, mortality, social welfare policy. United States, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa.

Dennis Feehan

Dennis Feehan

Social networks, survey methods, quantitative methods, mortality, causal inference, computational demography. Brazil, Africa.

Josh Goldstein

Josh Goldstein

Mortality, fertility, aging, social inequality, mathematical demography, economic demography, quantitative methods. United States, Europe.

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks

Culture and population, intentions, uncertainty, epistemology, history of population thought, family, fertility, gender, life course. Sub-Saharan Africa.

Mara Loveman (Chair)

Mara Loveman (Chair)

Biopolitics, necropolitics, and other politics of populations; demography of ethnoracial difference and inequalities; census politics; nationalism and demographic thought; political sociology; historical sociology; sociology of statistics; Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ayesha Mahmud

Ayesha Mahmud

Infectious disease modeling, environmental change, health demography. Bangladesh, Africa, Central America.

Edward Miguel

Edward Miguel

Economic development; violence; collective action; interactions between health, education, environment, and productivity for the poor; methods for transparency. Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and India.

Jenna Nobles

Jenna Nobles

Migration, fertility, fecundity, reproductive health, population health, formal demography, computational social science

Professors of the Graduate School

Berkeley Demography